Victoria Police, Protocol, Vic Pol, ACAC
Document ID number 2853, 23 June 2023
This is a protocol between the Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care providers and Victoria Police. The protocol provides guidance for child protection practitioners, Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care (ACAC) staff and Victoria Police to enable effective and collaborative responses to child abuse and neglect to children who have suffered or are likely to suffer, significant harm due to physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse or neglect.
This is a protocol between the Secretary of the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing, Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care providers and Victoria Police. The protocol provides guidance for child protection practitioners, Aboriginal Children in Aboriginal Care (ACAC) staff and Victoria Police to enable effective and collaborative responses to child abuse and neglect to children who have suffered or are likely to suffer, significant harm due to physical, sexual, emotional or psychological abuse or neglect.