Secure welfare service planning meetings

Follow this procedure when a child is placed in a secure welfare service.
Document ID number 1111, version 1, 1 December 2015.


Case practitioner tasks

  • Schedule a planning meeting, to be chaired by the supervisor, no later than 48 hours after admission. Invite the care team, relevant members of the young person’s family, placement staff, secure welfare representatives (as advised by the secure welfare services manager) including medical, therapeutic and educational staff and relevant specialist support professionals.
  • Provide a summary of information about the young person at the meeting.
  • Schedule a review meeting within seven days of the 48-hour planning meeting and at subsequent seven day intervals throughout the period of admission.
  • Develop a written transition and exit plan in partnership with secure welfare service senior staff and the care team.

Team manager tasks

  • Chair the 48-hour planning meeting, during which an exit date is determined. The team manager endorses the exit date.
  • Chair review meetings and the exit meeting.
  • Endorse the transition and exit plan.