See procedure Education planning for tasks that must be undertaken.
The Out-of-Home Care Education Commitment is a partnering agreement between the Victorian Department of Education and Training, the Department of Health and Human Services, the Catholic Education Commission of Victoria and Independent Schools Victoria. See protocol Education partnering agreement.
The partnering agreement aims to ensure both education and out-of-home care systems work cooperatively to improve the educational experience and outcomes for school aged children in out-of-home care. A significant aspect of the agreement is establishing a student support group consisting of key education staff, the child or young person, case managers, families, and support services for each school age child in out-of-home care.
The student support group is responsible for developing of an individual education plan to support educational achievement and engagement of the child or young person. The purpose of the plan is to describe strategies to address particular educational needs of the child or young person, based on a good understanding of their strengths, needs, and circumstances.
An individual education plan must outline a meaningful education program, be flexible and future-oriented, strength based, be reviewed regularly (a minimum of twice a year), and clearly explain the responsibilities of the student support group.