Due to their experience of trauma, children who are clients of child protection are at an increased risk of, or vulnerable to, sexual exploitation.
Children may be at risk of sexual exploitation when they are living with their family, with kin or in a care services arrangement.
For additional information see Sexual exploitation - advice.
Case practitioner tasks
Identification of sexual exploitation
- Consult with the team manager and sexual exploitation practice leader.
- Inform the local Victoria Police SOCIT the child is believed to be at risk of or has been sexually exploited.
- Complete and submit a CRIS generated sexual exploitation template within two business days - further outlined in Child sexual exploitation template process map
- Complete a Client Incident Management System (CIMS) incident report when information is received that a child is suspected to be or has been sexually exploited during service delivery, and follow CIMS policy and guidance:
- Child protection service delivery is defined in CIMS as an incident that harms a child or young person while receiving child protection services is in scope for CIMS when the child is with anyone other than their parent, approved by Child Protection.
- CIMS incident types include sexual abuse, sexual exploitation – grooming, and sexual exploitation – suspected – see Appendix 1 of the CIMS policy for incident definitions and to confirm if an incident report is required
• CIMS incident type definition for sexual exploitation – grooming draws on the Tier 1 response definition
• CIMS incident type definition for sexual exploitation – suspected draws on the Tier 2 response definition - Child protection is responsible for completing the incident report and follow up when the incident has occurred during their service delivery, such as when the child is residing in child protection-managed kinship care.
- Community Service Organisations (CSOs) are responsible for completing the incident report when the incident has occurred during their service delivery, such as when a child is residing in residential care, CSO case-contracted kinship care, or out of home care – foster care.
- Refer to Client Incident Management System (CIMS) policy, Allegations of harm to clients in care - Client Incident Management System (CIMS) procedure, and CIMS policy and guidance – providers’ page https://providers.dffh.vic.gov.au/cims for further advice including incident definitions
- Determine if the incident or allegations are also in scope of the Reportable Conduct Scheme – see 3209 Reportable conduct scheme - CP manual page and consult the Integrity Unit, Executive Services
- Complete a Social Services Regulator (SSR) notification for a critical notifiable incident for incidents of sexual abuse requiring police involvement and medical treatment at a hospital – see https://www.vic.gov.au/ssr-reporting-notifiable-incident
- Conduct a thorough review of the file to assess historical trauma and the impact it may be having upon the child’s current presentation.
- If the child is in out-of-home care, convene a care team or for a child still in parental care, hold a professionals’ case conference meeting to gather information about the exploitation and to formulate appropriate risk management and safety strategies.
- Review risk assessment, update the essential information categories, record decisions, actions and rationales on CRIS.
Responding to sexual exploitation:
- Maintain communication with Victoria Police and collate information to identify the specific exploitation including the name and address of the person(s) of interest.
- Document information about the child’s experience in a new or updated child sexual exploitation template.
- When a child is believed or confirmed to be sexually exploited, an individual risk and response plan is required.
- The plan should be developed and regularly reviewed in consultation with the child’s family, care or professional team. The risk assessment should also be regularly reviewed and updated to ensure the risk of sexual exploitation is assessed and that the relevant actions are taken to monitor, increase safety and decrease the risks of sexual exploitation are recorded.
- Complete the individual risk and response plan, where required.
- Place all children with a Tier 1 or 2 sexual exploitation evidence rating on the divisional high-risk schedule.
Sexual exploitation evidence rating
Tier 1
There is confirmed knowledge of exploitative activity, including dates, times and locations. For example:
Identity of Person of Interest is known or currently being established
The child discloses sex acts with an adult (sexual exploitation) or a critical incident of sexual assault (such as rape). In this example the identity of the offender is not required.
Tier 2
The child’s behaviour or actions strongly suggest they are being sexually exploited, but active child protection engagement is required to verify exploitative activity and/or identify the person of interest with assistance of Victoria Police where required.
- Actively monitor children at risk of sexual exploitation through the divisional high-risk schedule and panel.
- Follow CIMS policy and guidance for responding to incidents of sexual exploitation, including:
- Ensuring immediate safety
- Arranging medical attention for the client (if needed)
- Establish a basic understanding of what has occurred
- Recognising and acknowledging the impact of the incident on the client
- Assuring the client the incident will be taken seriously and dealt with in a fair and equitable manner
- Informing next of kin, guardian or key support person(s)
- Reporting the incident to police (if needed)
- Subject of allegation is removed, relocated or stood down (if relevant)
- Explaining to the client what actions will be taken in response to the incident, including educating them about their rights and taking their wishes into consideration
- Support planning for the carer when they are the subject of allegation
- Documenting all actions undertaken on CRIS
- For Aboriginal clients, consulting ACSASS or for ACAC clients, the relevant Aboriginal agency
For children subject to a Tier 1 sexual exploitation evidence rating, maintain regular meetings and communication with the Area SEPL and Victoria Police e.g. SOCITs and develop a risk and response plan to cease or disrupt the exploitation.
The risk and response plan may include:
- serving the perpetrator or person of interest with a s. 497 CYFA 2005 notice to have no contact with a child
- serving the perpetrator or person of interest with a s. 495 CYFA 2005 notice to not harbour, conceal or prevent a child from returning their residence
- applying for a family violence or personal safety intervention order on behalf of the child or young person
- implementing other identified legal measures.
Written notices under s497 and s495 cannot be used when a child or young person is placed with their parent/s under an interim accommodation order or a family preservation order. In these circumstances, case practitioners can work collaboratively with the family and Victoria Police to secure an intervention order on behalf of the child or young person.
Legal and recording requirements
- The service of a no contact letter or harbouring letter must be recorded in CRIS and a statutory declaration of service completed and attached to the client file. Case notes should include a summary of contact with the person of interest, including dates and times of service. Consultation with a Sexual Exploitation Practice Leader should occur prior to service occurring.
- Documented consultation with Victoria Police SOCIT, Sexual Exploitation Practice Leader and the Child Protection Litigation Office (CPLO), or divisional legal officer, must occur before applications for intervention orders can proceed.
Team manager, practice leader and deputy area operations manager tasks
- As a supervisor, ensure that all required tasks and actions are completed by the responsible case manager and documented on CRIS.
- If you are the case planner, review and endorse the child’s case plan and the risk assessment or review risk assessment, being mindful of specific requirements for children who have been, or who are at risk of sexual exploitation, including consistency with the risk and response plan.
- Oversee the planning and investigation into reported incidents of sexual exploitation, in line with CIMS and/or RCS policies and procedures where applicable (see Reportable Conduct Scheme and Allegations of harm to clients in care - Client Incident Management System (CIMS) procedure).
Sexual exploitation practice leader
- Undertake consultations with case managers to determine a child’s individual risk and what actions are required to mitigate that risk.
- Consult with CSE response team (CSERT) to assist case managers to complete link charts and other measures to ensure networks of believed or confirmed sexual exploitation cases are appropriately documented and responded to.
- Assist with the development of CIMS investigation plans, and review investigation reports where appropriate.
- Work with CSERT and other sexual exploitation practice leaders to ensure state-wide oversight of sexual exploitation networks.
- Facilitate individual and divisional coordination with Victoria Police and other key service providers to ensure appropriate measures are in place to address child sexual exploitation.
- In collaboration with area operations manager/director, child protection, ensure divisional workplan objectives are updated and finalised.
- Contribute to the statewide register of children at risk of sexual exploitation.
- Review all sexual exploitation information templates prior to their submission to the area operations manager/director, child protection, or their delegate.
- Ensure all divisionally endorsed templates are attached to the child’s CRIS file and are sent to Victoria Police (e.g. SOCITs).
Area operations manager/director, child protection tasks
- Provide oversight of children who are believed or confirmed to be sexually exploited.
- In collaboration with the team manager, sexual exploitation practice leader and deputy area operations manager, regularly review divisional children on the statewide sexual exploitation register. Review and endorse the sexual exploitation template.
Executive / Area Director tasks
- Maintain oversight of critical incident notifications being submitted to the Social Services Regulator
- Endorse CIMS investigation or review reports, including high-level recommendations to promote the safety and wellbeing of the client and improve the quality of service delivery
- Application for a family violence or personal safety intervention order on behalf of a child
- High-risk youth
- High-risk panels and schedules
- Sexual exploitation - advice
- Sexual exploitation information template
- No contact letter template - Forms and secure documents
- Sexual exploitation information template process map
- Child sexual exploitation practice guide for child protection (pdf, 723.47 KB)
- Client Incident Management System (CIMS) policy
- Client Incident Management System (CIMS)
- Client Incident Management System (CIMS) - Advice
- Reportable conduct scheme
- Allegations of harm to clients in care - Client Incident Management System (CIMS) procedure
- CIMS policy and guidance – providers’ page https://providers.dffh.vic.gov.au/cims