Case management

Case management, protection order, managing protection order
Follow this procedure when managing a protection order.
Document ID number 1027, version 4, 15 July 2024.

This procedure relates to case management tasks and responsibilities in relation to a child or young person subject to a protection order.

A protection order as defined in s. 275 of the CYFA is:

  • an order requiring a person to give an undertaking
  • a family preservation order
  • a family reunification order
  • a care by Secretary order
  • a long-term care order.

Case practitioner tasks

  • Update the essential information categories and evidence-based factors as information and evidence is received to undertake ongoing assessment of the risks, needs and development of the child.
  • Complete a review risk assessment as required – see Reviewing the risk assessment for information on when to undertake a review risk assessment.
  • Consider previous risk assessments and what has changed to increase or decrease the protection and safety for the child.
  • Consider if changes are sufficient and to a level that decreases harm consequence and probability of harm.
  • Prepare and enact a case plan in accordance with legal requirements, the provisions of the protection order and the child’s needs.
  • Ensure a cultural plan is provided to Aboriginal children in care.
  • Plan and manage contact arrangements for the child and family in accordance with the protection order and case plan.
  • Have contact with the child, parents and other family in accordance with the case plan and client contact statement.
  • Facilitate referrals and engagement with service providers in accordance with the case plan, and any specified in court ordered conditions.
  • Maintain regular contact with professionals and community support organisations involved with the family and seek feedback about the family’s progress.
  • Undertake placement related actions if a placement change is required.
  • Ensure there is a care team and participate as a care team member for each child in care.
  • Maintain client records.
  • Arrange specialist child and family assessments, including medical assessments, in accordance with the protection order and case plan. Obtain divisional delegate approval to finance necessary appointments and assessments.
  • Consult your supervisor on further court applications when required and complete the court process.
  • Register and follow-up any new familial and non-familial allegations in discussion with your team manager. 
  • Update the essential information categories and review the risk assessment, submit to your team manager for endorsement.
  • Consult your supervisor at key decision points.
  • Review the Compliance Dashboards in CRIS for activities that are due, or actions required.

Supervisor tasks

  • Provide ongoing support and consultation to the case practitioner.

Team manager/Case planner tasks

  • Endorse review risk assessments, case plans and key decisions, including all court applications.
  • Review the case plan at appropriate intervals.